This is perhaps the strangest top ten I've ever done. Not because of the subject matter, but because I know im missing matches that are some of my favourite from TNA and WWE that I cant remember. This list is basically "these are matches that are amazing and I love, and most would be in a top ten im just missing maybe 1 or 2". Catchy name right?
The main point of this ten is still there, and these are mostly accurate which is why I am still doing this list due to high demand. Lets get into it;
First some honourary mentions to HBK vs Shelton Benjamin, Styles vs Cena, HBK vs Undertaker, and some of Eddie Guerrero's matches.
THE 10
10. CM Punk vs Samoa Joe II
My first, and one of my only tastes of ROH so far, this match is incredible, its a pure wrestling clinic by two great wrestlers. If this is the kind of product ROH puts on then I need to watch it more.
9. Jeff Jarrett vs Kurt Angle
(Bound For Glory IV)
Whilst this isnt as much of a classic as the rest of the matches on this list... this match was still amazing in its own right, and a very well recevied and exciting one too. A very personal feud, as a Jeff Jarrett it's one of my favourites. Everyone needs to watch this at least once, just to see how good it was.
8. The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
(Elimination Chamber 2014)
A dream match that we all got much quicker than expected, the hype for his was off the charts even when teasing it mionths before in the U.K. The sheer electricity in the air from the crowd even pre-mach showed just how much we were all invested. The match itself was an increible war. It also included this Seth Rollins moment of awesomeness...
7. Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels
(Wrestlemania XIX)
The first meeting of two icons who would go on to have a better program in 2008, this match was off the scale good. Wrestlemania XIX had a stacked card and this more than held its own. It was also the first match to get me more into the wrestlign side of the business from a "smark" viewpoint. It also contains my favourite Sweet Chin Music ever, out of nowhere as seen below.
6. CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar
(Summerslam 2013)
In 2013 this match was truly amazing. The build alone was of legendary proportions, with the crowd reactions at underdog Punk trying to overcome the beast, throwing his body across announce tables during all out brawls and verbally sparring with Paul Heyman. It also gave us Lesnars best WWE match, and one of Summerslams greatest. It was an all out fun brawl, and an example of how to book Lesnar like a beast whilst still keeping it competitive and exciting.
5. Bray Wyatt vs Daniel Bryan
(Royal rumble 2014)

A feud that gave us some truly amazing moments as Bray tried to turn Bryan into a Wyatt (including the now legendary stereo YES chants whilst in a cage), it culminated in an incredible match at the 2014 Royal Rumble. Wyatt can put on truly amazing matches with smaler and faster opponents, and this is his best match and in my opinion one of Bryans top 5. Wyatt actually won as well!
4. Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money Inc.
(Victory Road 2010)
If you want to watch tag team wrestling at its finest, look up some MMMG vs Beer Money matches. These two had a hell of a run together in 2010, one of the final tiems I fully watched TNA before it slumped. The chemistry of these 4 great stars was off the charts, and one day i hope we see a rematch... perhaps in NXT.

3. AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe vs Christopher Daniels, 2
(Turning Point 2009)
The sequel to an already incredible match, this triple threat was a big part of why i loved 2009 TNA. 2 of my all time favourites in AJ & Joe, as well as an incredible Daniels put on what I consider to be the best triple threat match of all time.
2. Dolph Ziggler vs Daniel Bryan
(Bragging Rights 2010)
A match that for me, will be remebered in years to come as an abolsute clinic, this match kickstarted my already huge love for Ziggler. Both Bragging Rights PPVs may not have been up to much, or be remebered overly well, but this match stands out above the rest like a ray of light in WWE. In fact... I'd say this may even be Ziggler's best match with the company, and is definitely up there for Bryan.
1. Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels
(Wrestlemania 21)
Without a doubt, by a long way, my favourite match of all time. Also the greatest ever Wrestlemania match EVER in my opnion. These two legends put an an absolute classic. This match had everything, and Angle rising from the dead to catch HBK in an ankle lock by surpsiign and the crowd popping like hell still gives me goosebumps.
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