The Grandest Stage
This years Wrestlemania could go in a variety of directions, which is unusual for the WWE. It seems likely that either Roman Reigns or Daniel Bryan will walk out of the Royal Rumble as the number 1 contender, but there are a large variety of factors that could play out before the biggest stage of them all.
Firstly, it is rumoured that Brock Lesnar will leave for UFC, possibly as soon as the after the Rumble. If this is the case, WWE could choose to have Reigns win the Rumble, and Rollins win the title setting up a Shield triple threat or simply Reigns vs Rollins. This article will work on the assumption that Lesnar will be around to have one last match at 'Mania. Which in my opinion, means that the WWE will have Daniel Bryan win the Rumble, and face Lesnar.
We are also going to work on the assumption that The Undertaker will not make this years event (some rumours say he will face Bray Wyatt, others say he will work one last match against Sting, next year). Given all of this, I have tried to come up with a match card that will accommodate a lot of factors, as the upper card is jam packed with superstars who are vying for the same spots - Bryan, Cena, Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose, HHH, Sting, Ziggler and Wyatt. As well as Sheamus who is due back soon, and Randy Orton after his break filming his new movie.
Its going to be a big moment when Sting first wrestles for WWE |
The card that I have come up with was incredibly hard to do, and undoubtedly there are some matches that wont happen... For example if Reigns does not win the Rumble, it was very hard to find a match to put him in. Dean Ambrose was another hard choice, if there is no Shield triple threat (as outlined before), Ambrose may miss out on a marquee match despite being incredibly over.
So, this card will work on the following assumptions:
1. Brock Lesnar is going to be around until Wrestlemania
2. The Undertaker will not be at Wrestlemania
The Card:
Tag Team Titles: Cesaro/Kidd vs The Ascencion vs The Usos vs Gold & Stardust
Lumerjack Match: Bad News Barrett vs Rusev
Just to get people onto the card in some fashion, and the match could be good. Was not sure what to do with either, as there is no room on the card.
Dolph Ziggler vs Bray Wyatt
Im starting off with my favourite superstar, Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler has had a huge end to 2014 and start to 2015. After Survivor Series he has been on an insane roll, and there has been suggestions that he could be a surprise Royal Rumble winner. As much as I (and a lot of others!) would love that, realistically it wont happen. It could also be suggested that Ziggler could have faced HHH had Sting not been around (a hint for later!) as Ziggler has been at the forefront of the fight against The Authortiy.
Bray Wyatt is still mesmerising |
Bray Wyatt meanwhile has been meandering around a little bit. His feud with Dean Ambrose was a good feud with great moments and matches, but he may find himself with little to do again at Wrestlemania (especially assuming there is no Undertaker).

This match is fresh and it could also be the best match on the card. Similar to Bryan-Wyatt at 2014's Royal Rumble, these two should have a great deal of in-ring chemistry and be able to tear the house down if given the time. A possible storyline could be Bray using how Ziggler has been kept down to tempt him over to a "dark side", simimlar to his feuds with Cena and Bryan. He could also use Zigglers' recent "fired" sotryline and the fact that The Authority is back in power depsite Zigglers' best efforrs. It would make a great opener.
Star prediction - ****
Winner predition - Dolph Ziggler
The Miz vs Damien Sandow/Mizdow
This match is an uncertain one, due to a few factors. Will The Miz and Mizdow have split by then or perhaps the split could come at Wrestlemania itself. Either way this match is heading our way soon, especially with how over Mizdow has gotten himself. He has turned a rotten gimmick into gold.
Star prediction - **
Winner - Mizdow
Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton
What a year Seth Rollins has had |
A match that has probably been penciled in by the WWE, Seth Rollins vs Randy Orton has been on the cards for a while after Ortons' falling out with The Authority (who kayfabe took Orton out) and strong disliking toward Rollins. Orton is due back well before 'Mania (perhaps to stop Rollins cashing in at the Rumble?) and the past story has been set for this match as previously mentioned. Rollins has had an incredible breakthrough year, and a match with Randy Orton on the biggest stage of them all would go a long way to cementing his place at the top of WWE. The match has also been called for by many fans, and would likely be as good as the aforementioned Ziggler-Wyatt match, if not better.
Star prediction - ****
Winner - Randy Orton
Ortons RKO outta nowhere to Rollins |
Big Show & Luke Harper vs Ryback & Erick Rowan
Your standard filler, "get these guys on the card", tag match.
Star prediction - *1/2
Winners - Ryback & Erick Rowan
Dean Ambrose vs Sheamus - No Holds Barred
The Lunatic Fringe |
Im going to be totally honest here and say i dont not know what to do with these two, so i put them together in what would be a good filler feud (and a good match) for both before they move on to (hopefully for Ambrose) better things. Sheamus has been rumoured to return as a heel, so it would fit the heel-face dymanic, as well as being an entertaining, full out brawl in the middle of the card.
Star prediction - ***
Winner - Dean Ambrose
Fella |
John Cena vs Roman Reigns
A passing of the torch esque match, if not quite that. I couldn't figure out what to do with Reigns, and a match with Cena could make sense (although the story could be a cliche). This keeps Reigns from a main event which he may not be ready for, whilst keeping him well and truly in the upper card. It is also a big enough match for John Cena.
Star Prediction - ***
Winner - Roman Reigns
NXT Showcase: Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn

As the title says, a match showcasing the extraordinary talent NXT has to offer. The WWE are investing more and more in NXT everyday, and its interest and populairty are rising. What better way then to showcase NXT, than to have its champion compete in what would be a great match on the biggest stage of them all?
Star Prediction - ****
Winner - Sami Zayn
Sting vs HHH
The match that is the most likely to actually happen of all these listed. HHH vs Sting has been on the cards since Sting interfered in the Survivor Series main event, costing HHH and The Auhtority their power. The Auhtority has since regained power thanks to Seth Rollins, and HHH has verbally insulted Sting weekly. Look out for a Sting appearence soon to build up for this match of two all time greats.
Star Prediction - *** (it will be a spectacle more than a good match)
Winner - Sting
Sting in the WWE, Finally
Divas Title: Paige vs Nattie
The story writes itself, Paige and Nattie have been forming/teasing some kind of an alliance, and they will ineviatbly turn on each other.
Winner - Paige
WWE Title: Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar
David vs Goliath, a true underdog match. Also, this could possibly be the best Wrestlemania main event that was for the title for quite some time. Both Lesnar and Bryan are incredible in ring, and Paul Heyman can help sell this matchup on the mic.
Star Prediction - ****1/2
Winner - Daniel Bryan
However, after the match, Lesnar should flip, and destroy Daniel Bryan. This would Bring out Seth Rollins to cash in his money in the bank contract, to become the new champion.
Cash In - Seth Rollins vs Daniel Bryan
Seth capitalises on a downed Bryan to win his first Undisputed title.
So, this was the card for Wrestlemania, as I'd book it. A 10 match card, with some people missing out (Rusev, for example) on the main card. Some great matches, legendary matches and moments that could go down in history. Seth Rollins leaves as Champion.
After 'Mania, there are possibilities for feuds arising out of this card:
1. Rollins-Bryan for the title, with Orton in the mix too after beating Rollins
2. Cena and Reigns do another PPV, after which Reigns can feud with Rollins for the title
I hope if you read this far you enjoyed my opinion on what WWE should do for Wrestlemania!
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By Jamie Mitchell